
Traditionally, katsina dolls are used as teaching tools. They are the carved representations of the Katsinam, the spirit messengers of the universe. Neglected, dolls find their way, in alpha, loosing connection in comfort of a lifeless treadmill. Submissive, coherent to find purpose. The probability of life’s meaning would make life itself improbable. Only …

Remain wary

Remain wary of the hole or you’ll be weary.Tired of fighting the deep endless thick stickiness.Quicksand is trying to dissolve me into a sluggish routine.Don’t panic but stare ahead with positivity. Wary of the hole, recognising it’s trap.Only me who can change the course.Only me who can lead this dance.Turn …


It’s important to have a task, she said.I’ve always questioned the phrase as I already had and have one.Only because the task doesn’t generate currency in the form desired by many, doesn’t mean the task is unimportant. The job I choose is fulfilled in rewards of that currency. The job …


Kalm, zo kalm, zo lief, zo rustig de energie in haar kuiten vloeiend naar de puntjes van haar tenen. In de grond glijdend contact maken met moeder aarde. Ze openend haar ogen in een wereld. De wereld die ze kent, de wereld zoals ze die kende. De werkelijkheid de oneindigheid. …

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