The riddle, L’Énigme, a page in my digital notebook which makes no sense. A true riddle for myself, still don’t know why I published it but I did and well, you don’t rip out the page from your notebook because it didn’t make sense at the time.
Stuck in life, decided to stay in the Netherlands because supposedly with my experience and knowledge in the business it should be easy money. I’d had some promising interviews and have been waiting for the opportunity to present itself. But it didn’t, for some too expensive for others not enough schooling or that I haven’t worked in the line of work for 2 years. I’m trying to be honest about myself but getting a job with honesty is not the way.
The riddle solved itself perhaps, when I was writing the post I saw 4949 somewhere. I see double numbers all the time, literally the time, driving for an hour from 13:13 to 14:14. Looking at my phone 17:17, the kitchen stove holds a digital clock 16:16. Or 12:21 I see that one quite often 2323 is a special one. But 4949 I don’t see very often, interested I looked up the meaning of the angel number. For most numbers the message is quite general, the angels are supporting you… Yes I know, I know I support myself, thanks. For some they connect with the situation you’re in. In this case the number couldn’t have connected more, the synchronicity with the image I’d chosen is beautiful.
When the 4 and 9 combination repeats, your angels are telling you that it is time to let go of a situation that has ran its course. They wish to remind you that as one door closes, another one opens. You are asked not to exert your time and efforts on staring forlornly at the closing door, rather than looking forwards to the seeing what is behind the opening door. The angels are helping you to open these new doors and to heal from any pain or sorrow that accompanies the transition that you may undergo.

I have been sitting in front of the closed door, asking to open, give me a job! Looking at the other door I see the solution is given, I’ll start my own company. I wrote down I would earn a certain amount of numbers in the months that I’m here and I will. I’ll be my own company, I’ve done it before, coaching and advising the business. Helping people where I can, I’ll start from the computer technology, everyone is screaming for IT solutions. But IT doesn’t do what you want, that’s why IT was formerly known as ICT – information, communication, technology.
I’ll have to sell myself, call businesses, make a website. It’s going to be an interesting time being back in the middle of what I had swore never to do again. Unfortunately money is part of our world, it’s only a means of trading. Trading your time for numbers, time is after all the most valuable possession of your life, better spent it wisely. It feels good to have a challenge. To be honest, as I tried, a job is not going to make me happy. I need freedom, I need to able to make my own choices. Looking at the businesses I’ve been applying for I truly want to help, I still enjoy those IT things as long as they go hand in hand with communication. In the end all I long for is to see a happy face. That I can be proud of myself of what I’ve build or cleaned up, made life easier somehow.
Did you read between the lines, she asked. I only stood there looking at how beautiful she is. I nodded yes and I did read between the lines. All that stuff about my lighter, I don’t know what you meant. Dreams are like riddles but you don’t rip out the page from your notebook because it didn’t make sense at the time.