How can I be a princess without a proper seat, she said brusquely. I could make one, I replied. But I do need your help, first of all you should tell me what a princess chair should look like.
Our 6 year old princess seemed a bit square minded when I came to a design. Maybe a bit too much spongebob, more likely the old church chair next to us which she took as example. Stubborn as I am, she is too, she did tell me that we are very much alike. I refused to make it just a square seat, then she noted that it should have a heart on it.
We’re getting somewhere and I drew a heart on a nice piece of wood. What should we do with it, should we cut it out? Then she remembered seeing a shape set out with little drill holes. Excellent idea!
I got the drill and started following the contour of the heart shape. With not enough excitement for her attention span she left me to it while she was going to make a witches soup in the garden. Every now and then she would check on me and ask if the chair would be finished today.
I sigh, princesses……
It’s not going to be ready today, maybe we can finish the back. It needs sanding and painting. And I’ll need your help off-course! It took us quite a bit of time but we had the paint drying when the clock announced dinner. The rest of the building and painting is for another day.

I haven’t painted much in my life. Often everything around me is covered in paint except the item that needed painting. Also that it sticks to your fingers and I can trace back my steps of where I’ve been. No painting was never really my hobby. But I surrendered and to be honest it is quite fun.
In my head it looked a bit different I’ll assure you. Grass at the bottom with some flowers, clouds above and the heart shape filled with little hearts. It’s childlike but I’m happy with the result. I like how I shaped the armrests and the grass seating. Definitely a fun little project.