The cleanup of the mind is starting
Breaking down old habits
Go nuts I said
Only nuts for a week
Deny any other kind of food only nuts it is
Fasting is easy when you choose
When starved before because there was no other choice
Living on bush salads from the river beds
Lost in the forest feeling like home
No-one has to starve, nature provides
Roam the world look past the prison bars
Nutrition is even in the bark of the oak
We have lost our ways in comfort
Forgetting what it is to live
To live, thrive and survive
Conditions looked upon as hard
Because we forgot
We forgot how to roam
This world has no borders other then our own
Go nuts for a week and cleanse myself
Feel the kidneys and the liver breathe
Feel the energy from the earth
Feel how much it costs to eat
We can live from water and the sun
Not believed so in a material world
Gaze upon the sun and you’ll see the earth change
The true 3 dimensional game we’re in
Go nuts I said
Go nuts for week
Gaze at sun
And water down all that I ate